
Episode 341: living in the jungle

Episode 341 - living in the jungle
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode, my guest is Vanessa Gocksch. She has spent the last seven years living within a self-sustaining community in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, deeply nestled in the Colombian jungle. Vanessa is a passionate advocate for survivalist lifestyles and indigenous wisdom. She is dedicated to educating not only her children, but also others about essential life skills such as hunting, cooking, and planting. Above all, she values co-existing harmoniously with the environment and maintaining close connections to indigenous communities. Check out the website www.selvatorium.co and Instagram @lobitosselvatorium and @selvatorium.

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Episode 331: roundtable: plant medicine

Episode 331 - roundtable: plant medicine
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode you will hear an edited version of a 4 hour Twitter Space I held together with Perceptions Today about indigenous shamanism and plant medicine.

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Music featured in this episode:

Yuin Huzami



Episode 289: deep dream state

Episode 289 - deep dream state
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode we are going to discuss dreams with my guest Lee Adams. Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in Jungian Psychology and Archetypal Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute and host of Cosmic Echo, a lucid dreaming podcast, and creator of taileaters.com, an online community of lucid dreamers and psychonauts. Lee has been actively researching, practicing, and teaching lucid dreaming for over twenty years.

His book A Visionary Guide to Lucid Dreaming is a unique approach to lucid dreaming as a tool for personal awareness and transformation. In an innovative approach that draws upon Jungian depth psychology, neuroscience, and the author’s own personal dream practice, this book provides a comprehensive introduction and ongoing guidebook for experienced lucid dreamers as well as curious readers who are trying lucid dreaming for the first time.

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Episode 286: cults

Episode 286 - cults
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is author and researcher Anthony Tyler. We are going to dive into the weird and wonderful world of cults. His latest book is called Dive Manual: Empirical Investigations of Mysticism. Check out his website: www.divemind.net

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Music featured in this episode:

Bilal Göregen



Episode 272: dive manual

Episode 272 - dive manual
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is Anthony Tyler who is a researcher and an author. His work can be described as evolutionary psychology that deals heavily with the mechanics of classical mysticism. His latest book is called Dive Manual: Empirical Investigations of Mysticism. Check out his website: www.divemind.net

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Music featured in this episode:

Frank Watkinson


Episode 251: daniel pinchbeck

Episode 251 - daniel pinchbeck
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is by Daniel Pinchbeck, the author of such books as Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism and How Soon Is Now? Daniel is also a co-founder of the web magazine, Reality Sandwich and Evolver. Check out his site: www.pinchbeck.io

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Music featured in this episode:

Nameless Archive




Episode 247: coming out

Episode 247 - coming out
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is David Grillot who is one of the founders of the Thank You Plant Medicine global "Coming Out" campaign. On the 20th of February 2020, tens of thousands of people will “come out” on social media worldwide with their stories of personal transformation, using the hashtag #ThankYouPlantMedicine.

If you want to know more about the event check out the FB-page or the website.

For those interested in the talk by Jeremy Narby that we touch upon in this episode check out Episode 242.

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Music featured in this episode:

Guadalajara Joe! feat. Trailer Trash Tammy!


Episode 234: rick doblin (aya 02)

Episode 234 - rick doblin (aya 02)
Natural Born Alchemist

This is the second part of a four part mini-series recorded at the World Ayahuasca Conference in Girona, Spain. In this part we are going to talk with the founder and executive director of MAPS (the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies), as well as with Claus Tober that is the captain of the research vessel the RV Heraclitus.

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Music featured in this episode:

Nameless Archive




Episode 229: alien information theory

Episode 229 - alien information theory
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is neurobiologist, chemist, and pharmacologist Andrew R. Gallimore, Ph.D. Currently at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan. Check out his website: www.buildingalienworlds.com or his book Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game.

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Music featured in this episode:

Fullmetal Alchemist


Episode 227: lost history of psychedelics

Episode 227 - lost history of psychedelics
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is filmmaker Chris Rice. We are going to talk about the lost history of psychedelics. Watch Chris Rice documentaries below or go to his YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/chrisricema

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Music featured in this episode:

Nameless Archive


