bardo thodol

Episode 316: getting lit

Episode 316 - getting lit
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is author and researcher Anthony Tyler. We discuss a multitude of topics like growing plants, psychedelics, philosophy and cannabis. Check out his website:

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Episode 272: dive manual

Episode 272 - dive manual
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is Anthony Tyler who is a researcher and an author. His work can be described as evolutionary psychology that deals heavily with the mechanics of classical mysticism. His latest book is called Dive Manual: Empirical Investigations of Mysticism. Check out his website:

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Music featured in this episode:

Frank Watkinson

Episode 255: the mind of the universe

Episode 255 - the mind of the universe
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is author Christopher M. Bache and we will be discussing his book LSD and the Mind of the Universe.

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Episode 203: bardo thodol

Episode 203 - bardo thodol
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode we are going to dive into the bardo of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Don’t forget to order the USB 200 (limited edition): USB 200

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Music featured in this episode:

Krishna Das