yuin huzami

Episode 331: roundtable: plant medicine

Episode 331 - roundtable: plant medicine
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode you will hear an edited version of a 4 hour Twitter Space I held together with Perceptions Today about indigenous shamanism and plant medicine.

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Music featured in this episode:

Yuin Huzami



Episode 222: blue morpho

Episode 222 - blue morpho
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is visionary leader, speaker and renowned master shaman Hamilton Souther. We will be talking about shamanism and ayahuasca. Go to bluemorphotours.com if you want to check out Hamilton’s lodge.

Support the podcast.

Music featured in this episode:

Yuin Huzami



Episode 154: the fellowship of the river

Episode 154 - the fellowship of the river
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is Dr. Joe Tafur who has written a book called The Fellowship of the River, which documents a medical doctors exploration into traditional Amazonian plant medicine. Check out: www.drjoetafur.com

Music featured in this episode:

Yuin Huzami



Episode 117: the importance of ritual

Episode 117 - the importance of ritual
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode I am going to talk a bit about the importance of ritual when ingesting sacred plants. I have already written a bit about all this in the essay called The Importance of Ritual, although you will get a lot more information listening to this episode. I will also go into the medicine songs known as icaros, as well as a great deal on an encounter I had with God.

Music featured in this episode:

Yuin Huzami




Episode 57: tree of light retreats

Episode 57 - tree of light retreats
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode I am joined by Carolina who is the founder and facilitator of the Tree of Light Retreats that offer women only ayahuasca ceremonies. In this episode we focus a lot on the female aspects of doing healing with the sacred medicine ayahuasca.

Music featured in this episode:

Yuin Huzami



Maestra Rosita (scroll down for photo)


Photo of Maestra Rosita taken in the Amazon 2012.

Episode 37: plant based diet

Episode 37 - plant based diet
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode I am talking to Jared Keen about plant based diets, San Pedro and Ayahuasca.  Check out his site www.aya.guide or his Facebook group.

Music featured in this episode:

Yuin Huzami



Episode 23: spirit matters

Episode 23: spirit matters
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode we will listen to a conversation between psychedelic podcaster Lorenzo and shamanic explorer and author Matt Pallamary. Check out more of Lorenzo's podcast at Psychedelic Salon.

Music featured in this episode:

Yuin Huzami



Episode 3: good spirits

Episode 3: good spirits
Natural Born Alchemist

This episode features a talk with music producer, lyricist and visionary artist Yuin Huzami. He has recorded an album with the Amazonian Shamanic healers from the Shipibo tribe that use the sacred psychedelic brew ayahuasca in their ceremonies.

Music featured in this episode:

Yuin Huzami

