salvia divinorum

Episode 325: salvia divinorum

Episode 325 - salvia divinorum
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is writer and producer Patrick Krauss and we will be talking about the documentary Salvia Divinorum: a western approach.

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Music featured in this episode:

Pedro Elias


Episode 316: getting lit

Episode 316 - getting lit
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is author and researcher Anthony Tyler. We discuss a multitude of topics like growing plants, psychedelics, philosophy and cannabis. Check out his website:

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Episode 289: deep dream state

Episode 289 - deep dream state
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode we are going to discuss dreams with my guest Lee Adams. Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in Jungian Psychology and Archetypal Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute and host of Cosmic Echo, a lucid dreaming podcast, and creator of, an online community of lucid dreamers and psychonauts. Lee has been actively researching, practicing, and teaching lucid dreaming for over twenty years.

His book A Visionary Guide to Lucid Dreaming is a unique approach to lucid dreaming as a tool for personal awareness and transformation. In an innovative approach that draws upon Jungian depth psychology, neuroscience, and the author’s own personal dream practice, this book provides a comprehensive introduction and ongoing guidebook for experienced lucid dreamers as well as curious readers who are trying lucid dreaming for the first time.

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Episode 275: drug users bible

Episode 275 - drug users bible
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is author Dominic Milton Trott that self-administered over 150 different chemicals and botanicals whilst writing The Drug Users Bible. This book presents the hidden truth about drugs, something which touches the lives of almost everyone. Cutting through the noise and misinformation of the war on drugs, it documents the facts about the individual drugs and the subject in general. For more information about the book visit:

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Music featured in this episode:

Akira The Don


Episode 251: daniel pinchbeck

Episode 251 - daniel pinchbeck
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is by Daniel Pinchbeck, the author of such books as Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism and How Soon Is Now? Daniel is also a co-founder of the web magazine, Reality Sandwich and Evolver. Check out his site:

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Music featured in this episode:

Nameless Archive