heaven and hell

Episode 217: near-death experiences

Episode 217 - near-death experiences
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest it Dr Penny Sartori. She is highly experienced and skilled in her role as an intensive care staff nurse; and has conducted unique and extensive research into the near-death experiences (NDEs) of her patients. In 2005 she was awarded a PhD for her research into NDEs.

Dr Sartori’s work has received worldwide attention and media coverage. She has spoken at many conferences both nationally and internationally and her work has received the attention of HRH Prince Charles. Check out her website: www.drpennysartori.com

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Music featured in this episode:

DJ Fortify


Episode 203: bardo thodol

Episode 203 - bardo thodol
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode we are going to dive into the bardo of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Don’t forget to order the USB 200 (limited edition): USB 200

Support the podcast.

Music featured in this episode:

Krishna Das


Episode 134: life after life

Episode 134 - life after life
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is near-death experience researcher and author Dr. Raymond Moody. Check out his website: www.lifeafterlife.com

Music featured in this episode:




Episode 116: seth-ra

Episode 116 - seth-ra
Natural Born Alchemist

In this episode my guest is alchemist Jessie Fischer, also known in the online alchemical community as Seth-Ra. Currently Jessie is working as an Emergency Medical Technician.

Music featured in this episode:

The Number Fox



If you want to get a copy of this book on alchemy click HERE for more information.