
Episode 313: the god above god

In this episode my guest is author and host of the Aeon Byte podcast Miguel Conner and we are going to dive into the world of Gnosticism.

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Music featured in this episode:

Art of Spanda

Episode 283: serial killers

In this episode my guest is author and researcher Anthony Tyler. We are going to dive into the weird and wonderful world of serial killers. His latest book is called Dive Manual: Empirical Investigations of Mysticism. Check out his website:

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Music featured in this episode:

Charles Manson


Episode 256: tetralogue

In this episode we are going to have a tetralogue, which is a discussion between four people; P.D. Newman, Dick Khan, RN Vooght and myself. We are going to mainly discuss DMT, the occult, Egyptian mythology, psychedelics, alchemy and freemasonry as well as a bunch of other topics.

P.D. Newman is a freemason and the author of the book Alchemically Stoned - The Psychedelic Secret of Freemasonry. He has previously appeared in Episode 164. Dick Khan is the author of the books DMT and My Occult Mind part 1 and 2. He has previously appeared in Episode 145. Finally RN Vooght is the author The Spirit In The Sky: Ancient Cosmological Gods & Where In The World We Find Them. He previously appeared in Episode 161.

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Music featured in this episode:


Sam Wartenbee


Episode 145: dimethyltryptamine

In this episode my guest is author and DMT researcher Dick Khan. Check out his book DMT & My Occult Mind or connect with Dick on Facebook or Twitter.

Music featured in this episode:


Episod 138: living in a mindful universe

In this episode my guest is author and academic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander who spent over three decades honing his scientific worldview. He thought he knew how the brain and mind worked. A transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE), in which he was driven to the brink of death and spent a week deep in coma from an inexplicable brain infection, changed all of that – completely! His website is:

Music featured in this episode:

Station Approach

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