
Here I will post some writings (the latest at the top). Like always it is only ideas and concepts I am thinking about at the moment of writing them. None of it is law or dogma. I am not trying to teach anyone anything. I am only sharing my own ideas with the world, and by doing so I am learning as I am sharing. I hope you enjoy them!

Click on images to read.



You can find it in the most impressive Cathedral managed by corrupt pedophiles. You can find it in the most beautiful Mosque that even the most heinous suicide bombers visit. You can find it in the most peaceful Ashrams of India surrounded by indescribable poverty and misery....

A myStery can never be a fact

The scientific method has validity in a lot of fields, but falls flat on its face when it concerns an understanding of the cosmos. That the universe sprung from nothing, and for no reason, could be true; but it still does not explain that the nothing it sprung from has to exist somewhere...

Older writings below...

To give or not to give

For many years now I have struggled with the concept of giving money to beggars. When I was younger I figured that it is useless, since they will only spend it on drugs. As I grew older I thought maybe I just give to those beggars that seem to need money for food, and not for drugs. These days I don't give a fuck. I only give....


For most people the term Jihad is deeply connected with terrorism, however this is not really accurate. It is the same with the fate the Swastika suffered when the Nazis adopted it, as well as most recently what happened to the popular meme Pepe the Frog. Something that starts out with positive vibes are, when touched by the hands of ignorant assholes, turned into something negative...


For those of you who have seen James Cameron's film Avatar you might have noticed that the indigenous of Pandora had a blue skin very much like the gods of Hinduism when they walked among humans in human form (in their avatars)...

All honey

For a couple of years now I've been going from studying one religion to the next. I have always done this since I was a child, but it is only recently that I have done it in a very different way...

Unconditional Love

I have talked about unconditional love with a lot of friends over the years. Some say it is impossible, some say it does not exist. Some even do not understand conditional love… and certainly not unconditional...


If you haven’t sat in an ayahuasca ceremony, with a real live ayahuasquero before you singing medicine songs, known as icaros, you will only understand a fraction of what I am about to say...

Thoughts on Enlightenment

There is no such thing as achieving enlightenment. Anyone who claims to have achieved it reveal, in stating such a thing, to in fact not be enlightened at all. We do not need gurus, we need witnesses… and I am a witness; a witness to the awesomeness of what I call the Light. I am a witness to the Divine Mystery...

Alchemy forums anthology

For almost a decade now I've been a part of an online forum about alchemy. Recently we published a book called the Alchemy Forums Anthology...

Tribute to glass

It was over 20 years ago when I was living briefly in Frankfurt, Germany, that I decided to go see Martin Scorsese new film about the Dalai Lama. A film that, in my opinion as far as cinematography and editing is concerned, is one of the most underrated films of all time. But it wasn’t the film that impacted my life. It was the music...

Laundrette = Suffragette

In my family I am responsible for doing the laundry. I think this is a pretty sweet assignment. Usually I have to do this about twice a week and it involves stuffing my washing machine with dirty clothes, then waiting an hour... then moving these clothes into the dryer... wait another hour and then spend about 5-10 minutes placing all the items in the closet...

The reality algorithm

A thousand years ago people described their experience with reality using words that was available to them, words like angel or elves or unicorns. Today we use 2.0 or UI (user interface) to talk philosophically about the world we live in. At least if we are part of that weird group that see reality as a VR world...

Inside out

Something that my shamanic infused altered states of consciousness have imparted on me recently is the notion that there is no inside, nor outside...

you got it!

Since time immemorial people have searched for enlightenment, liberation, freedom... whatever, but we already have all those things.

We are enlightened. We are liberated. We are free...

Just ten minutes

The first thing that happens is fear, an intense fear.

The more I have done it the more fear I experience. This is one of those things when experience is more of a handicap than being a novice is, because I know what is coming...

The delusion of reality

It is easy to state that reality is an illusion. Not everyone is a "Neo"... the reality of reality is very overpowering. Only in death will we truly "see" the illusion of reality...

what we want we've always wanted

Let me speak for the whole human race, why not?

What we all want, basically, is some of the following - in some degree or another: love (partner, family, friends), a home to keep us dry and warm, food and peace...

No possessions

One of the major problems of the modern world is our addiction to possessions. Do we own our things, or do our things own us? All this started when we decided it was a good idea to stop roaming around, settle down, grow crops and draw borders all over the fucking place...

praise to the divine mystery

I will never know your name,

but you do not need one.

You are not a you,

perhaps not even an I...


Growing up I mostly listened to classical music. My favorite was Beethoven. But we are going to get back to him a bit later on. Right now I want to talk about punk...

A light perspective

Everything you experience in life is either an obstacle or an experience. From such happenings you will either suffer from an emotion or experience an emotion. Even the worst thing imaginable is either just that or an experience. Does this mean if you only experience you are cold and empty?

The importance of ritual

The purpose of this little essay is to explain the importance of ritual in the psychedelic experience, and how to do such rituals. These ideas and suggestions are based on ten years of studying these matters, but by no means do I claim what I am about to say to be the ultimate truth… it is only a distillation of my own experience and wisdom that I have gathered. Also what I will put forth works just as good with non-psychedelic ritual endeavors...

no fear - the gospel of aib

To believe in God you have to have faith. You have to have faith that God exists. In order to trust Science you have to trust that what Science says is true. But to BE you don't have to do anything, but experience. If you can do this with courage, you will see... that with courage the Mind is free...

Stumble the walk

I am sure you have heard of the concept "walk the talk". I for one no longer think there is any merit in such a concept.

Perfect example: John Lennon sings about peace, love and no possessions. But he was very rich and apprently mistreated his child. 

So what?


Why have a ticking clock in your home or on your wrist? If you really want to know the time you can easily find out, but why have it there in your face… why hear it ticking away in the sacred peace that is supposed to be your domain… your home...

The reality of illusion

There are two ways to look at the world. 

One way is to see everything around you as real, but not only real… important. So important that if you do not do everything in your power to defend it you will go insane.

The other way to look at reality is to not see it as unreal, but as an illusion. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that everything is black and white. See everything around you as - not unreal - but instead as rendering; which is computer language that basically means to convert, for example, a file into visual form. Or instead of rendering think of it as in the process of becoming...

The author

What matter is valuable? Could it be gold, diamonds or oil? 

If you are in the middle of a desert perhaps the most valuable thing is water. And if you are caught up in society the most valuable thing is gold… but only because everyone else deem gold valuable. So yes value comes down to the perception of the user. What does this mean?

the dreamer

Now when we finally meet...
Can you remember me?
I was always there.
from the beginning...

quit horror

I've quit horror films.

I used to enjoy them. Films like The ExorcistOmenslasher movies etc... but one thought/vision I had in the Amazon doing ayahuasca was to stop watching such things. It gave me nothing but negative energy...


There is only good in this world.

There is no evil. Instead there is maturity, and there is immaturity. Because what harm can you do in a boundless universe? What can you really do to an infinite life… to an eternal light? Well, nothing is what you can do. Not a thing...

idiot and proud

Idiot is originally a Greek word meaning lacking professional skill, private citizen orindividual. In Latin it means practically the same things: ordinary person or layman.

In what is considered the first known democracy, around 550 B.C.E. in Athens, an idiot was characterized by self-centeredness and concerned with private instead of public affairs...

Thoughts from a journeyman

According to Wikipedia a journeyman is someone who has completed an apprenticeship and is fully educated in a trade or craft, but not yet a master. I use the word here instead of traveler, because I feel the word journey is greater than that of travel (which to me is more going from A to B). Anyway on with the rant...

there is no spoon

The Matrix was the last great film of the 20th century (released in 1999)... and that is over 15 years ago... wow... it can be good to be reminded about such gems of our culture that transcends mere entertainment. May I be so bold as to call The Matrix infotainment?

A case for shamanism

Throughout my life I have always been searching for an answer to existence. Satanism, popular religions, gnosticism, arthurian legends, alchemy, mythology, philosophies, conspiracies and more... but in all these experiences and immersions I found nothing that felt right. Except for Shamanism...


We have to fully grasp the concept that this world isn't real. 

Terence McKenna called it a world made up of language. The Wachowski Brothers called it a matrix. Bill Hicks called it a dream. Thomas Campbell calls it a world of information (a data stream). Others have called it holographic...

the 0

For millions of years we lived. We roamed. We bred. Beneath the stars, in the dark, we made fire… for our family. Our tribe. For millions of years. 

We lived, and the Earth belonged to us and we belonged to the Earth. And the only thing we truly owned were our own existence. Did we look up then, as we do now, wondering why we are here?